
We represent a wide range of real estate developers, investors, owners, and operators of investment real estate. We handle real estate transactions in a professional and pragmatic manner in protecting our clients interests and offering creative solutions to enable our clients' to close their transactions without compromising their investment objectives.

We have assisted our clients in connection with multimillion dollar acquisitions of apartment complexes, retail shopping centers and large and small industrial buildings throughout several States. We have handled and negotiated hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate financings with portfolio, participating and securitized lenders.

Using our tax, estate and gift planning background we have enabled our clients to plan for the long term with their real estate assets while minimizing the impact of transfer taxes.

The scope of our real estate planning practice includes:

  • Representing and advising clients in contractual matters surrounding acquisitions, lease and sale of real estate.
  • Formation of single asset entities for investment real estate partnerships/LLCs.
  • Advise clients on tax allocations in connection with formation of real estate entities.
  • Assisting clients due diligence process, and coordinating specialized consultants when appropriate.
  • Issuing real estate loan opinion letters.
  • Real estate financing from standard bank loans to non-conventional sources.
  • Commercial real estate leases and transactions.
  • Real estate development and finance.
  • Construction contract matters including the preparation of AIA contracts.
  • Advice in connection "Like-Kind exchange" transactions.


Contact Us

1400 Newport Center Drive
Suite 230
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: (949) 460-0011
Fax: (949) 266-8080


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